Monday, January 3, 2011

Week 19: Jan 4th - Jan 7th

Skeletal System - Chapter 5

Jan 4th: Skeletal System Notes - Classification of Bones, Label Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape, HOMEWORK: Did You Get It? Questions 1 & 2 pg. 135 in the book

Jan 5th: Go over HW, Examinig and Classifying Bone Activity, Skeletal System Notes - Anatomy of a Long Bone, Label Anatomy of a Long Bone Figures

Jan 6th: Skeletal System Notes -Bone Markings, Fill out Bone Marking Table, Pre-Mini Lab Nitric Acid/Heat on Bone , HW: Did You Get It? Questions 3 & 4 pg. 140

Jan 7th: Go over HW, Complete Mini-Lab Bone Matrix and Nitric Acid/Heat on Bone, HW: Read Section - Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling pgs 140 - 143 and complete Did You Get It? Questions 5 -8 pg. 143

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